Noor Amy Ismail delivered an exceptional keynote speech at the recent AWS Startups Malaysia event. Noor Amy Ismail, an entrepreneur herself and now Our Chief Operating Officer of MAVCAP, also talked about venturing into startups, sharing her valuable insights and experiences with the audience, leaving them inspired and motivated. At AWS Startups Malaysia, attendees learn valuable tips, tricks, and experiences from Girls In Tech(@girlsintech.kl), Women Who Code (@womenwhocode), and MYStartup (@themystartup) on how to be a successful woman entrepreneur. Attendees gained insights on how to catapult their careers with a personal brand and how to build and pitch their first MVP.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to AWS Startups Malaysia for inviting Noor Amy Ismail and for recognizing the significance of supporting women in entrepreneurship. By providing platforms and resources for women to thrive, we can foster innovation, diversity, and economic growth.